Unless you pay to become a concierge patient, don't bother. Those patients come before you, even if you were there first. They get the free samples, you don't (I overheard another patient being given a sample of Avelox - when I asked, he said "let me go see if we have any" and then came back and said they didn't have any Avelox. That was obviously a lie because he just gave some to the prior patient and said how great Avelox was. That patient was also seen before me even though I was in an exam room far longer than he was). And you don't always have a pleasant person at reception.
If you're a young female you may want to request that a nurse stay in the office with you. Somewhat inappropriate but rides close enough to the edge that you're not sure if what you experienced was reportable or not. Make sure to KEEP a nurse in with you.