Sang-Hoon Lee, MD

Sang-Hoon Lee, MD
4305 Torrance Blvd Ste 201 Torrance, CA 90503
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(1 Review)
I actually worked as a medical assistant in training from the Bryman, also in Torrance, in the '91-'92 yrs for my externship.
Never go to this doctor. He does not have a board-certified medical assistant working for him. This is dangerous bc she literally came in off the street &, unlike me, has absolutely no formal education & training like me. She is no medical professional at all. This girl literally told me that. This is highly unethical & it probably is illegal & he could or should be be deported.
You are supposed to be BOARD-CERTIFIED by the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) in Chicago, IL. That is what sets you apart. You're not supposed to walk off of the street & get a job, for God's sake. The only qualification she has is she speaks fluent Korean bc she's Korean & this is a Korean practice.
There are changes coming down the pike all the time in medicine, it changes rather rapidly. You have to keep up. You have to re-certify 60 points in a 5-yr period. One way is to go to your local chapter meeting, or do a lab kit, or go to the annual convention in whatever city & state it is that year. If you don't do that & lose your certification then you can't work, & you no longer are considered a medical professional.
That's how it is in the Western medical establishment in the US. Clearly they do not live in the same world as the rest of here in America.
Oh, BTW, every medical professional has to get re-certified every two years in CPR (or Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) from the Red Cross or American Heart Association. So, since she isn't is a CMA, she most likely is not CPR-certified. That means if you had a medical emergency you'd die. She couldn't save your life.
So, plz, stay AWAY from this practice.

by Lisa Tyree
February 28, 2025
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