Robert C Marchand, MD

Robert C Marchand, MD
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(2 Reviews)
Did this provider promise services he/she couldn't provide?
Not at all! They exceeded my expectations
by Anonymous
August 16, 2011

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I'm usually somewhat sensitive to the cold, so I was a little worried that their office would be too cold, but it was fine. I was very comfortable the entire time. There was no annoying music playing while I waited or during my visit. I appreciated that they didn't have that typical elevator music on. They've never dismissed any of my concerns as unimportant, and take every concern of mine very seriously. They have really great customer service here. They always put their customers first, regardless of the situation. Since I went to this provider for a second opinion, and am on workman's compensation, I was a bit concerned that he, like many of they physicians I have been to, would not listen to me or just rush me in an out of his office. This was not the case. He was very attentive, encouraging, and empathetic to my situation. I am now in the process of waiting for approval so I can finally, and hopefully, get relief from my pain.
by very satisfied patient
July 04, 2011
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