Your standing in your community is based on a lie. You are a disgrace to mothers and medical professionals both. You will never be free from the truth of your actions which is far more horrific than than a brain injury could ever be. You are lower than a common thief that is truthful about stealing. I support people having the right to die but you making that choice for another human being is nothing short of murder/ I have yet to find a mother who would take out their son having no plans to care for their child in their retirement. You fed him morphine as you told him he would just go to sleep. Daise went in and spoke to him. He looked drunk and was crying. Said you came to take care of him and that you did. Your sentence should be death. Todd would hate you even more knowing you caused pain to his girls and best friend kevin. We all know the love of family, something you know nothing of. God has carma and yours is coming.Your are old, weathered and don't have kids that want to see you. I will dance on your ashes when you die in your sons name.