Surgery to remove embedded eyelash strip at end of right lid junction + refinements to eyes, resulted in more problems with eyes & eyelids, e.g. lids that don't descend fully, an enlarged pupil. W/o my consent, added fat graft strips to under-eye areas, resulting in puffy fat asymmetrical fat lumps.
I emerged from Dr. Levine's simple surgery to primarily remove an embedded lash strip, severely disfigured. Without my permission, a 2" incision was made in my abdomen and fat strips were removed and placed in my under-eye hollows. I had no deep under-eye hollows, but did have bone-deep depressions leading from my eyes to my temples. If fat graft strips were going to be added anywhere, that is the one place they should have been placed, but nothing was done there. A stem cell fat doctor also participated in the surgery, so there was no reason bulky fat graft strips should have been used under my delicate eye area. Fat graft strips are only used to add gross volume, in areas like butt augmentation. I now have different sized lumpy fat pouches under each eye -- the kind you pay a doctor to remove!
In addition, the refinements Dr. Levine was going to add to my eyes caused me to end up with eyes that were different sizes and shapes. Further damage occurred with 1 pupil twice as large as the other and an inability to dilate. In addition, the space between the eye and eyebrow is significantly higher on one eye than the other.eye, causing my eyebrow on one side of my face to also be significantly higher. Other "improvements" also resulted in my eyes looking worse.
Dr. Levine did remove the embedded lash strip, but failed on 2 separate surgeries to close the end-juncture of my eye. The lids don't meet and there is a gap with exposed red tissue.
Dr. Levine charged $10,000 for this surgery. The cost to me was much higher. I am in pain from the opening at the end juncture of my eye and need to use ointment and place tape at the end corner of my eye. After more than a dozen surgeries on my eyes, I cannot tolerate more eye surgeries and Dr. Levine's butchered procedures have meant the end of all hope for me.