My wife was ORMC and Dr Adams was the attending Doctor that mornng. I noticed that every time my wfe had a contraction that my sons heartbeat would stop and when I asked her she told us that everyhting was alright and that was normal. Then as my wife had more contractions it would happen more frequently and common sense told me that this was not alright. I asked her for a beteer explanation and she seemed annoyed that I was questioning her expertise. So I started to immediatly go u the hospita later and when I did it was apperent that something was wrong. Within 15 minutes another Doctor came in and as soon as he witnessed my sons heartbeat had stop he yelled to the nurses that he has to do an immediate c-section becuase the imbilical cord was wrapped around my sons head! Her lazyness almost cost my son his life and thanks to D Zedek for saving him. She never even apologized!