Performed a colonoscopy on my healthy 63yr old mother Dec 09 as routine appt.36 hours later,admitted to ER with severe perforation,spilling toxic waste into her stomach.In ICU 5 days w/breathing tube and colostomy bag.One mth later,she was admitted w/complications resulting in kidney failure.1yr later, she is preparing for 3rd surgery to repair hernias on/near the incision sites.In the 4 years of being certified for this,his failure rate is far higher than ntnl avg of drs with entire careers behind them.One former patient was bleeding profusely from the rectum only 2 hours later;her family called,he said to give her a tylenol and put her to bed.They went ahead to ER, where her heart stopped 3 times before rushed into surgery.I have spoken w/many people who relate near identical versions of our experience.He has only been in our town for 1 yr!History of employment has him moving from town to town,never in 1 place longer than a year.BEWARE!A medical degree does not a good doctor make.