Carolyn A Cutre, OD

Carolyn A Cutre, OD
6261 ROUTE 31 CICERO, NY 13039
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Consumer Feedback

(11 Reviews)
5 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
4.5 star average for Expertise
5 star average for Staff
5 star average for Recommended
4 star average for Value

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Does this provider remember you by name?
Every single time, even if it's been months since my last appointment!!
How would you compare this provider to others in his/her field that you have visited?
There is no comparison!
Does this provider always take that extra step to make you feel special?
Absolutely, they always make me feel like I'm their only patient.
Did you have to wait long after you arrived for your appointment?
No, they were ready for me right after I arrived.
Did the staff make you feel uncomfortable when you called with questions or concerns?
Not at all! They were happy to address every concern I had
by Tamra
October 29, 2012

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Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Yes, they went above and beyond
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
Was this provider's office easy to locate?
Absolutely! It couldn't have been easier!
by Anonymous
September 11, 2012

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Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Yes, they went above and beyond
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
by Anonymous
September 11, 2012

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Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
Was this provider's staff friendly?
Yes, they went above and beyond
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
by Anonymous
July 18, 2012

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Does this provider use current and safe equipment?
Was the waiting area spacious?
Did this provider have reasonable prices?
by Anonymous
March 02, 2012

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Were the restrooms well-stocked at this provider's office?
Yes, they were well-stocked
Did this optometrist seem knowledgeable about different types of contacts?
Yes, I was impressed
Was this provider friendly?
Very! The most welcoming office I've visited!
Was this provider late to your appointments?
No, they were on time
by Anonymous
September 06, 2011
Does this provider promptly return your phone calls?
by Anonymous
August 18, 2011

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Does this provider welcome questions?
Absolutely! They are happy to answer all of my questions
Could you buy glasses at your optometrist's practice?
Yes, I bought a beautiful new pair.
Has this provider ever cancelled your appointment on you last minute?
Never, they are very reliable.
Did this provider have an entertaining selection of waiting room magazines?
Somewhat, but they need a bigger selection
by Anonymous
August 08, 2011

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Did this provider leave you unattended for an extended period of time?
Not at all! They were always present and attentive
Is this business in a safe neighborhood?
Absolutely, It is the safest neighborhood around
How would you compare this provider to others in his/her field that you have visited?
Among the best I have seen
Does this optometrist offer glasses repairs or adjustments?
Yes, they always help me out
Was there annoying music playing while you waited or during your visit?
No, there was no annoying music
by Anonymous
August 01, 2011

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Did you notice a foul odor when you arrived at this provider's office?
No, I didn't notice an odor
Does this provider maintain a professional appearance?
Absolutely! You can tell that he/she really makes an effort to look professional
Did the staff make you feel uncomfortable when you called with questions or concerns?
No, they didn't make me feel uncomfortable
Did you feel safe in this provider's care?
Absolutely! I knew I was being cared for by an expert!
Did this provider have reasonable prices?
by Anonymous
June 25, 2011
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