I Went to Dr. Martha L. McCollough..with a single round bump!... I asked for a ring worm test..I think I may have Ringworm.. . she told me on many occasions .. there is not a test for ring worm... as she Diagnosed me with a rare skin disorder... Numullar Exzema.. an Incurable Skin Disorder!..!!!!
only ...1 in 24,000 people may have it!.. but 99% of folks have Tenia Corpurus.. Common ring worm Fungus!... BUT IT Looks like ring worm.. No test..she said..."I STAKE MY MEDICAL REPUTATION ON IT!"........ .Monthly or Weekly Dr. Visits..for almost 2 years.. No testing... she Prescribed many steroids/pils /creams ... I lost Much of my skin.about 30% to 45% at times.. .Much pain & suffering...EVERY DAY!....She caused my job loss, Too Many Steroids, Embeline cream w/ .05 clobetosol used for 11 months".DANGEROUSE AFTER ONE USE! .. . Caused me to have avascular necrosis of Both Hips......Caused by Steroid Posioning!...with loss of my hips joints..... almost 2 years , many disabilties and Finally after all the Damages... she gave me a KOH skin test for ring worm... THE SAME TEST SHE SAID .." DID NOT EXIST!.. but REGUIRED BY ALL STANDARD MEDICAL PRACTices FOR MINIMAL Proper Mediical DIAGNOSES! FOR ALL DOCTORS!.... SHE FOUND I HAD ONLY RING WORM!... all the TIME!.. Numular Exzema can't be Cured!...
she asked the nurse,.. looking at the Long Record of treatments, Steroid medications of 4 types...many dangerouse after only one use!.. but was given 11 months of that Drug!...she asked her nurse... " I DID NOT DO A KOH TEST!????? ...I REMARKED>. HELL NO!... her nurse said... YOU NEVER ASKEd TOO,.... BUT JEFF DID! he asked ON EVERY VISIT!... BUT THAT IS NOT IN THE RECORDS , BUT I REMEBER! & ON every visit!. said the nurse!..
. NOW I AM A CRIPPLE! Can't sue.I TRIED!... . I Can't find 2 HONEST DOCTORS!.to stand up in court! TEXAS LAW!... NO ONE BUT DR"S ARE ABOVE THE LAW! . but I have found Thousands of Dr's and Medical schools... who AGREE with me & Her TOTAL MIS-DIAGNOSES!.. MAL-PRACTICE on SO MANY LEVELS!..
Before Giveing Steroids, a simple KOH test is Performed so Mis-diagnoses can be avoided!...and Dangerouse steroids SHOULD not be prescribed... Steroids SUPER FERTILIZE RING WORM FUNGUS!...
"YOU were being eaten alive by the Steroids I prescribed!...I AM SO SORRY!.......'DR MCCOLLOGHS WORDS NOT MINE!... . by Dr.s Prescribed Steroid Meds!... without testing for Ringworm FIRST!...
I have searched out... many EX-patiences of Dermatology Ass. of Tyler.... including Nurses/Doctors!~and other EX EMPLOYEES!... INSURANCE FRUAD by this clinic.. is Apparent! OVER CHARGING FOR NON- PERFORMED TASKS! or wrong Diagnoses .. Even small children....were prescribed Operations when Not Needed!... & is a Normal practice for Patient wrong Diganoses's..4 Higher Profits! Longer medical Care reguired.. before the Many Dr;s there...they.. Get it Right.....--- Later!.. if the patient Survives!..& if HAS GOOD INSURANCE!..
Good Dr's will not work at this clinic!.. MY Loss of abilities to work after 29 years at AT&T,..and RUINED a Normal Life!.... has been taken by This Dr. and this Clinic.. not by mistakes but by CHOICE! Beware any Diagnoses. DO YOUR HOME WORK!.... GET A 2nd Opinion at a Different Clinic!... I hope to save a Few from the Total Hell,.. Dermatology Associates of Tyler, Dr. McCollough and Dr. Lawence Anderson... have Put me thru... when it would have taken a Simple Ring worm test...a $5.00 test...& Medicine over the counter to CURE THE RING WORM,.. I HAD ..IGNORED my PLEAs for Help!/ PROPER TESTING.. a $5.00 TEST!??... & a total MIS-DIAGNOSED after ALL THE TIME UNDER THEIR Neglegent Medical Care,... where they Profited Tens of THOUSANDS $$$$$ and RUINED MY Family! 6 Dr.s for 2nd opinions......ALL from this clinic and they all forgot to give me the KOH test!.... = SIMPLE GREED.. ..