My experience with Patrick Joseph Ward is the worst experience I've had with any healthcare professional. Some years ago, I took my then eight year old daughter to the Counseling and Development Center to be tested for a learning disability. Patrick Ward was the psychologist assigned to the case. The cost of the diagnosis was $1200.00, which I borrowed from my mother. Before I continue my review, I can say that as a concerned mom, talking to him was like talking to a stone wall. No empathy or outward sign of compassion whatsoever. Also, for some reason, the testing process lingered over a number of weeks, and ultimately, I never got an answer. My young daughter said that he would overwhelm her with testing material and time constrainsts. When that happened, she would "shut down" out of frustration and anguish, and being a teacher myself, I know this is a common response in children who struggle acadamically. At some point in the long process, Patrick Ward decided she was having halucinations, and told me casually in the hallway of the office within earshot of the receptionist that my daughter might need to go to a mental hospital! Needless to say, I was absolutely floored, devastated, and beyond scared as to what kind of power this guy might have. Knowing my daughter to be the lively, healthy, creative child that she is, and still is today, I had to wonder what had happened in his office. We left that day and never came back. I never heard a single thing again from the office, no follow up phone call to check on her or anything, and I ended up getting nothing for the $1200.00 I had borrowed from my mother.