His dry needling is awesome and very much appreciated. Best way to contact him for scheduling is 605.218.0383. Yes he is in Cheyenne but also does days in SD.
See acupuncture.massagetherapy.com and check out the page on dry needling. He is the leading expert in the region and has helped me and my teammates heal from injuries, etc.
Check out this doctor's website. I found it very informative. That is what got me very interested in getting in to see him and experience the wide variety of therapies he and his associates provide acupuncture.massagetherapy.com
Actually the beets way to contact him in Fort Collins or Cheyenne is to call (970)218-2808. I have seen him for years in both Cheyenne and Fort Collins. I like his work.
Very successful with treating snoring. My husband suffered for years as did I dealing with it. Dr. McCormick was able to stop his snoring with just a few treatments. Great to have him in town. He has benn here for years.