Brantley Chiropractic

Brantley Chiropractic
Brantley Chiropractic 1203 W. University Dr. Mckinney, TX 75069
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(7 Reviews)
4 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
4.5 star average for Expertise
4 star average for Recommended
4 star average for Value

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Did this provider promise services he/she couldn't provide?
Not at all! They exceeded my expectations
Does this provider remember you by name?
Every single time, even if it's been months since my last appointment!!
Was it easy to make an appointment with this provider?
Did this provider seem irritated to be working with you?
Not at all, they were glad to help me with anything I needed
Did this provider leave you unattended for an extended period of time?
No, I was always attended to
by Golfer
December 30, 2013

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Dr. Bo is a rare commodity in the world we live in. I've been a patient of his going on 4 years. He has helped me avoid numerous surgeries as a result of the adjustments I have received. He goes way beyond the call of duty. He has met my husband and I in the office after hours to help when I was in severe pain. I have recommended him to all 3 of my children and consider him my primary physician. His knowledge of holistic healthcare is extensive. I consult with him on many levels regarding health concerns. I am very grateful that I was referred to him 4 years ago and I know my health has improved in ways I could never imagine. Dr. Bo is an amazing chiropractor with integrity that is far reaching. I recommend anyone to spend time with him to see the same things I have experienced.
by Terri Davis
December 16, 2013

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I always have the best experience every time I have an appointment here. Although I have not had much to complain about, I have noticed that they strongly adhere to the customer is always right policy and if anything goes wrong make every effort to correct the situation. All of my questions were answered during my appointment, and the doctor seemed very knowledgeable. They were happy to answer each and every question I had in-depth. I've never seen anyone who is more respected by their staff. The entire staff only had great things to say about working there, and it made me want to return all the more. My level of satisfaction was very high after this appointment. I was impressed with how the doctor catered to my needs. They did not pressure me at all to return. They gave me the information I needed and left the choice up to me.
by k,
December 08, 2013

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Does this provider offer any coupons, discounts or promotions?
Did this chiropractor pay attention to your problem area?
by Anonymous
September 19, 2013

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How would you compare this provider to others in his/her field that you have visited?
Among the best I have seen
Does this provider always put the customer first?
Absolutely! They have some of the best customer service I have ever seen
by Anonymous
August 13, 2013
Did this provider ever take personal phone calls while in the appointment room with you?
No, they've never taken personal calls with me
by Anonymous
October 03, 2012

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I have been under chiropractic care for my whole adult life, and I move around alot due to my husbands work so I have been to many different chiropractors, but Dr, Bo puts shame to the profession! On my visit to go over my x-rays and have my first adjustment I had a small cough I was dealing with due to the stress of our last move. Dr. Bo had me face up on his chiropractic table, then put his hand right on my cleavage and just stood there, not telling me why, not moving, for a LONG time!!! Later he claimed that it was supposed to help my cough.....I know chiropractic, this was not it! He should not be trusted if you are female, young or old.
by Female
October 21, 2011
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