Stuart Steinberg, DO, DPM, MD

Stuart Steinberg, DO, DPM, MD
3322 W Magnolia Blvd Burbank, CA 91505
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I went to Steinberg for a problem with one toe.

When I went for surgery, was confused by the paperwork. I told the anesthesiologist I was going to cancel the surgery. To calm my panic, he began to administer valium. Steinberg arrived 1.5 hours late, at which time I was too drugged to remember what bothered me on the consent forms.

While I was unconscious, Steinberg operated on 5 toes, not 1. He performed tendon releases on all 5 toes, and removed pieces of bone from my fourth and five toes without ever discussing it with me beforehand.

After surgery, I did not realize what he'd done. Steinberg informed me he'd exhausted all my insurance money and I would have to pay cash. I was advised by my insurance company to switch to another doctor, which is when I found out about all the horrific excessive surgery Steinberg had performed on me.

My foot is completely deformed due to the excessive surgeries he did to me. Lawyers advised me I could not sue him because I signed the consent forms without understanding them.

I have been in severe agony for years. I have consulted a foot surgeon that treats the Houston Rockets, one of the best orthopedic surgeons in the country. He is HORRIFIED by what Steinberg did to me, and says nothing can be done to repair the butcher job that was done on my foot.

RUN, don't walk, while you still can. Steinberg is a monster.

Feel free to e-mail for photographs or documentation:
by gioconda
January 01, 2010
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