Dr Arzon was the first doctor I took my son to when we moved to Illinois. I had to get him set up with a new primary care doctor and a health confirmation for daycare.
I wasn’t pleased during or after the visit. I felt like she wasn’t listening and she was telling me generic information. My son was potty training at the time and was doing well. He said he needed to go potty a few times, and since he was newly trained (3 months shy of 3 years old wearing pull ups at night only) so I excused us and took him. He couldn’t go. He asked again towards the end of the appointment and Dr Arzon told him that her and mommy were talking and he needed to wait. He ended up having an accident.
While discussing his medical history, I mentioned that I had been diagnosed with melanoma while I was pregnant and that is a cancer that can cross through the placenta, she pushed her husband’s practice for me.
My son also had previously had an episode of giant hives (almost a year before this visit in another state) and I mentioned it. She “diagnosed” him with something because he had dry skin ... it was winter.
I paid our normal copay, then a few weeks later I got a bill for another copay. Because we had talked about the hives, she billed as another appointment because it wasn’t “just a check up.” I challenged that and they said “oh, someone coded it wrong” even though the second code had to do with the hives we had talked about in his history. I was originally told that if you talk about anything other than the check up, she can charge separately.
I had already scheduled his 3 year old check up, so I gave her a second chance. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt that the way she talked to me was just because she tells all new patients the same thing. She didn’t listen to me then and treated me as if I didn’t know how to parent my child.
That was the last time we went to her. We have a new doctor now that we like so far. I did the standard medical release form. Today I received a letter from Dr Arzon that she will release his records as soon as I paid $41.00 for them. I told them they could keep the records and I would just have the records sent from our doctors in another state from before we moved.