Eric Larson, MD Featured Provider
Eric Larson, MD

(701) 265-8338

Fax (701) 265-8313 201 E 3rd Ave S Cavalier, ND 58220
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Consumer Feedback

(1 Review)
Does this provider have helpful information available online?
No, just a basic listings page
Was this provider's office too loud?
Not at all, it was very peaceful and quiet
Does this provider welcome questions?
Absolutely! They are happy to answer all of my questions
Was the waiting area spacious?
Yes, extremely spacious
Did this provider seem irritated to be working with you?
Not at all, they were glad to help me with anything I needed
by Anonymous
May 05, 2011
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Primary Specialty

General Practitioner

Education Univ Of Manitoba, Fac Of Med, Winnipeg, Man, Canada