David Landry, MD

David Landry, MD
Mid Maine Medical Center 149 North St Waterville, ME 04901
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(1 Review)
Dr. Landry helped me back in the early 2000s with a chronic pain injury that no one else would take seriously. I found him to be professional, and calming with a sense of humor which does help to put a very scared pain cluttered patient at ease. Unfortunately, the injections he did in my back did not work, he told me if I had been able to see him earlier, they likely would have been of some benefit to me. It is now over 20 yrs later and my chronic pain is worse than ever, due to the MME state law, I lost 2 doctors in quick succession and now have no one to prescribe the meds I have been on for that time. I hope that Dr. Landry can help, as having chronic pain is a terrifying, horrible life sucking illness and not many doctors care to treat patients with this terrible problem.
by Eantha Haagen xxx.xxx.223.1
June 23, 2022
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