Health Tip: Taking Care of Someone With Flu

(HealthDay News) -- When you're caring for a loved one with the flu, it's important to protect yourself from getting sick.

The website suggests:

  • Create a sick room to help isolate the sick person.
  • Frequently wash hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer, particularly after contact with the sick person or something the sick person has touched.
  • Encourage the sick person to cover the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and to frequently wash hands.
  • Limit caregiving to one person in the home to reduce exposure to other family members.
  • If caring for a sick child, hold the child with the chin on your shoulder so the child doesn't cough into your face.
  • Keep the home ventilated as possible.
  • Keep surfaces disinfected and dispose of any tissues. Wash linens, dishes and eating utensils thoroughly.

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