Health Highlights: Aug. 20, 2014

Here are some of the latest health and medical news developments, compiled by the editors of HealthDay:

MLB Pitcher Curt Schilling Blames Mouth Cancer on Chewing Tobacco

Former major league pitcher Curt Schilling revealed Wednesday that he has mouth cancer and said it was caused by three decades of using chewing tobacco.

In February, Schilling announced that he had cancer but did not say what kind, the Associated Press reported.

Talking with WEEI-FM on Wednesday, the three-time World Series champion provided more details about his cancer. He said he had seven weeks of chemotherapy and radiation treatments and is remission, and has lost 75 pounds.

Schilling, who played for the Boston Red Sox and Arizona Diamondbacks, is being treated at Brigham and Women's Institute and the Dana-Farber Cancer Center, the AP reported.


Peanut, Other Nut Butter Products Recalled by NSpired Natural Foods

Possible salmonella contamination has led NSpired Natural Foods to recall peanut butter, almond butter and other nut butter products.

The recalled products include Arrowhead Mills peanut butters, Maranatha almond butters and peanut butters, and nut butters sold under the Kroger, Safeway, Whole Foods and Trader Joes' brands, CNN reported.

A complete list of the recalled products can be found on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration website. Consumers with these products should throw them away and contact NSpired Natural Foods for a replacement or refund.

The company issued the recall after routine testing showed a possible connection between the products and four cases of illness, CNN reported.


Breast-Feeding Moms Have Lower Depression Risk: Study

Breast-feeding cuts new mothers' risk of depression by half, a study says.

Researchers analyzed data from nearly 14,000 births in England and found that risk of post-partum depression was 50 percent lower among women who followed through on plans to breast-feed, BBC News reported.

However, the risk of depression more than doubled among women who planned to breast-feed, but were unable to do so, according to the study in the journal Maternal and Child Health.

"It is right to tell mothers it's right to breast-feed, there's so many benefits, but the thing we need to rethink is giving more support to those who did want to breast-feed and to recognize those who are unable to, are at substantially elevated risk and to make sure health visitors keep an eye on these women," Dr. Maria Iacovou, one of the researchers, told BBC News.

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