Raise my son with a man around one who is a great example and help him through his awkward teen years and love him as his own.

My Goals
Community Thoughts (1)
My son wore "panties" until last month. Don't jump to conclusions, they were little boys undies with nemo and stuff...very masculine, but I wear panties and he wants to mirror me. \n\nIf a man comes into my house, he clings to him for dear life. He asked yesterday if his grandfather was his daddy. He's four, he doesn't know. I don't speak ugly about his dad, though I have every right to. I don't want to damage my child, and I am going to let him decide. I too grew up w/no dad, and felt it was my fault. He prob will too!! I love him so much, I don't want to screw him up!
People pursuing this goal (1)