It is never too late to eat better. Research shows that your diet is the most important factor for good health. As a physician, I have seen thousands of patients who have spent a lifetime eating the wrong foods. When they transform their diet, their health is remarkably transformed. Eating healthfully isn’t deprivation. When you eat low-calorie, high-nutrient foods, you can eat abundantly. A diet...
Confused about what to eat? You aren’t alone. Half the people in a 2017 -survey- said that conflicting information about what to eat and what to avoid have them second guessing the food choices they make. I have seen this confusion first hand. As a specialist in nutritional medicine, I’ve had patients come to my office sickened after years of eating a diet of the wrong foods; all have been helped after...
It’s that time of year again. The pollen starts to stir, irritating the millions who suffer from seasonal allergies. While most of us happily welcome the warmer weather, for the estimated 50 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies, spring brings misery. Thanks to the pollen from blooming grasses, weeds and trees, and the spores from fungi and molds, those with allergies will experience...
If you are diagnosed with hypertension don’t be too quick to accept the DASH diet as a nutritional model to lower your blood pressure. This diet is not necessarily the most effective. While the DASH diet would be a marked improvement for most Americans because it includes more vegetables and fruits, fewer sweets, more whole grains and a smaller amount of oil than the typical Western diet, if you want...
It’s that time of year again, when the cool evening temperatures, changing color of leaves and blooming ragweed trigger allergies and send many running for allergy medications to relieve sneezing, running noses, puffy eyes, itchy throats, wheezing and hacking coughs. However, a nutritarian diet – can offer greater relief this time of year, along with other life-long benefits. A study of 56 different...
Approximately 7.3 million Americans are vegetarians, with an additional 22.8 million identifying as vegetarian-inclined, according to the latest survey provided by - Vegetarian Times. And while being vegetarian poses many health and environmental benefits, it also poses some -risks. Not only do vegetarians have lower body weights and cholesterol levels, but they also have a lower risk of developing...
Stuck at a weight plateau? Try adding -intermittent fasting- to your routine. The use of time-restricted eating (also called intermittent fasting) is gaining popularity for a variety of health reasons, and if you are stuck at a weight and want to lose some more, intermittent fasting might be the help you need. Here’s how it works: In the most basic sense, intermittent fasting means to alternate cycles...
Every Diet is Doomed to Fail - There is a lot of weight loss advice out there. You have probably tried - or at least heard - them all. There are the plans: portion control, food restrictions, a complicated system of points, counting calories, shopping for canned protein shakes and diet bars, and delivery of frozen, pre-packaged meals. And then there are the theories. Eat like the cavemen. No wait!...