Family physician Wade Licup, MD, provides comprehensive primary care services for all ages, focusing on preventive medicine and optimization of wellness. Dr Licup also has expertise in the management of chronic conditions. He is passionate about the role of diet and exercise in preventing and managing health and wellness. Dr Licup has experience providing a continuum of care in the clinic, urgent care and hospital settings. He is dedicated to listening to a patient's story and partnering with them so they can lead healthy lives as much as possible. When not seeing patients, Dr Licup's hobbies include weightlifting, listening to music and keeping up with the latest technology.
ServicesWade Licup, MD offers family practice services in Vista, CA. A family doctor is typically a general practitioner who treats most family members from children to adults.
Wade Licup, MD in Vista, CA may treat physical symptoms, prescribe medications, diagnose conditions and much more.
Please call Scripps Coastal Medical Center Vista at (760) 806-5600 to schedule an appointment in Vista, CA or to get more information.