Millie Das Featured Provider
Millie Das
Millie Das Office

(650) 498-6000

875 Blake Wilbur Dr Palo Alto, CA 94304

Millie Das

Dr. Das specializes in the treatment of thoracic malignancies. She sees and treats patients both at the Stanford Cancer Center and at the Palo Alto VA Hospital. She is Chief of Oncology at the Palo Alto VA and is an active member of the VA national Lung Cancer Working Group and Lung Cancer Precision Oncology Program. In 2023, she was elected President the Association of Northern California Oncologists (ANCO), where she displays her passion for patient advocacy and also for clinician education by helping to organize Bay Area focused continuing medical education programs. She is the VA site director for the Stanford fellowship program and leads the VA thoracic tumor board on a biweekly basis.
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Practice Millie Das
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Services Millie Das provides oncology services in Palo Alto, CA. Oncology includes the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, and many other forms of cancer.

Contact Millie Das at (650) 498-6000 for specific information about cancer treatment in Palo Alto, CA.
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