Alison Petraske Featured Provider
Alison Petraske
Alison R. Petraske, MD Office

(609) 853-6555

5 Plainsboro Road Princeton Medical Center Plainsboro, NJ 08536

Alison Petraske

Alison Petraske practices as an OBGYN in Plainsboro, NJ.She graduated from Tufts University School of Medicine.
Primary Specialty


Practice Alison R. Petraske, MD
Gender Female
Education Tufts University School of Medicine
Training Baystate Medical Center
Accepting New Patients
Insurances Accepted Aetna, Centivo Health Plan, Cigna, Cigna HealthSpring, Clover Health Plan, Devon Health Services (Americare), Gateway Health Plan, Geisinger Health Plan, HealthAmerica / HealthAssurance, a Coventry Plan, HealthSmart, Highmark Blue Shield, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, Humana / Choicecare, Humana / Medicare, Imagine Health 360, NJ Amerihealth, NJ Medicaid, NJ Medicare, NJ Qualcare, Oxford Health Plan, PA Health and Wellness (Centene) Medicare, Rail Road Medicare / Palmetto GBA, Tricare, United Healthcare, US Family Health Plan, Wellcare Health Plans of NJ
Degrees Medical Doctor
Admitting Hospitals Princeton Medical Center
Services antepartum and postpartum care, birth control, birth control counseling, breast cancer prevention and risk reduction, breast cancer screening, breast examination, breastfeeding support, cancer risk reduction surgery, cervical biopsy, cervical conization, cesarean hysterectomy, cesarean section, clomid, cold knife cone biopsy of cervix, colposcopy, contraceptive implant, contraction stress testing, delayed cord clamping, dilation and curettage, endometrial biopsy, episiotomy, exercise in pregnancy, family planning, fetal doppler studies, fetal non stress testing, fetal ultrasound, first trimester screening, gynecological exam, hormone replacement therapy, human papilloma virus (hpv) vaccination, hysterectomy, hysteroscopy, intrauterine device (iud) placement, intrauterine device (iud) removal, labor and delivery, lactation support, laparoscopic lysis of peritoneal adhesions, laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy, laparoscopic salpingo oophorectomy, laparoscopy, long acting reversible contraceptive, loop electrosurgical excision procedure, minimally invasive gynecologic surgery, minimally invasive hysteroscopy, myomectomy, natural birth, newborn screening tests, nexplanon implant, office gynecology, oophorectomy, oral contraceptive, oral contraceptive counseling, ovarian cystectomy, pap smear, pelvic ultrasound, permanent sterilization, post partum check up, postpartum care, preconception counseling, pregnancy blood test, pregnancy counseling, prenatal care, prenatal testing, prenatal ultrasound scan, preventative women healthcare, prophylactic oophorectomy, repeat cesarean section, reproductive health, routine gynecological care, tubal ligation, uterine fibroid embolization counseling, uterine surgery, vaginal biopsy, vaginal birth after caesarean section, vaginal delivery, women's health Additional Services Gynecologist
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