Bha Lokhande, MD, is an attending physiatrist at MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital and MedStar Georgetown University Hospital. She specializes in physiatry consults for acute care inpatients and rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury, stroke, musculoskeletal conditions, amputations, and spinal cord injuries. Dr Lokhande also manages musculoskeletal pain and neurological disorders and performs inpatient and outpatient EMG/NCS. Previously, she practiced at Washington Adventist and Adventist Rehabilitation Hospital in Takoma Park, MD. Dr Lokhande earned her MD from Ross University, completed an internship at Montefiore Medical Center, and finished her PM&R residency at MedStar.
Primary Specialty
EducationRoss University, School of Medicine,Roseau, Dominica
ServicesAbha Lokhande, MD provides physiatry in Washington, DC 20007.
Contact 3800 Reservoir Road NW, Pasquerilla Healthcare Center 4 to discuss any needs or concerns, or visit this location at 3800 Reservoir Road NW Pasquerilla Healthcare Center - 4th Floor, Washington, DC 20007. For more information about services offered, call Abha Lokhande, MD at (202) 877-1382.