Damien C. Powledge is a certified neurosurgery physician assistant in Missoula, MT. He believes that surgery has its place for many pathologies, though primary care, conservative therapies, and an approach to the whole patient cannot be overlooked. Damien began his career in medicine as an emergency department EMT.
CertificationNational Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants - Physician Assistant
Accepting New Patients
Insurances AcceptedBlueCross BlueShield MT Medicare Advantage, BlueCross BlueShield MT Blue Options, Mountain Health Co-op, Allegiance, Missoula County Employees Benefits Plan (Self Funded), Coventry/First Health PPO, United HealthCare PPO, TriWest, InterWest Health, HealthSmart (Interplan) PPO, Health Net - TriCare, PacificSource Health Plans, Providence Health Plan, Humana Medicare Advantage, BlueCross BlueShield MT PPO, First Choice PPO, Multiplan PPO