John Ilagan
Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Office (212) 746-0714
525 East 68th Street
Suite J-130
New York, NY 10065
Primary Specialty
Maternal-Fetal Medicine
John Ilagan
Dr. Ilagan is dually board-certified in Obstetrics& Gynecology and Maternal-Fetal Medicine. Inhis practice, he performs obstetric ultrasoundsand prenatal diagnostic procedures. Hisareas of interest include prenatal genetics,thrombophilia in pregnancy, and obstetricepidemiology. He also serves as the MedicalDirector of the Antepartum Unit at MorganStanley Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Ilagan received both his undergraduate andmedical degree from Wayne State Universityin Detroit, MI. He completed an Obstetrics &Gynecology residency at the Hospital of theUniversity of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PAand a fellowship in Maternal-Fetal Medicineat Albert Einstein/Montefiore Medical Centerin Bronx, NY. Dr. Ilagan went on to obtain aMaster of Science degree in Epidemiology atColumbia University Mailman School of PublicHealth in New York, NY, and he is currentlycompleting his Master of Science degreein Medical Education at the University ofPennsylvania. Dr. Ilagan received a Top DoctorAward for providing excellent patient care in2017.
John Ilagan offers OBGYN services in New York, NY at 525 East 68th Street Suite J-130, New York, NY 10065. Obstetricians & Gynecologists (OBGYN) specialize in female reproductive health issues as well as gynecological health issues.
To learn more about OBGYN services, or to make an appointment with Maternal-Fetal Medicine in New York, NY, please call (212) 746-0714.