Marisa Friscia, MD, is an Internal Medicine specialist practicing at SBL Family Medical Center in Mattoon, IL. She completed her medical education at St. George's University School of Medicine. Dr Friscia went on to complete her residency at Metropolitan Hospital Center in New York, NY, followed by a fellowship in Pulmonary Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, NY. Dr Friscia brings more than 20 years of vast experience as she works collaboratively with her patients to develop a treatment plan that addresses their health issues and meets their personal needs.
Primary Specialty
EducationSt. George's University School of Medicine, WI (Medical Education)
ServicesMarisa Friscia, MD provides internal medicine in Mattoon, IL. Marisa Friscia, MD is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.
To learn more, or to make an appointment with SBL Family Medical Center in Mattoon, IL, please call (217) 234-7000.Additional ServicesInternal Medicine