Leah Arlequin
LVPG Family Medicine-Tobyhanna
100 Community Drive
Suite 102
Tobyhanna, PA 18466
Leah Arlequin
Leah Arlequin practices as a Family Doctor in Tobyhanna, PA.She graduated from American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine.
Primary Specialty
Family Doctor
American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine
American Board of Family Medicine - Family Medicine
A1C Testing (Diabetes Blood Test), Adolescent Gynecology, Adolescent Medicine, Anemia Screening, Audiology, Bariatric Medicine (Obesity Medicine), Behavioral and Mental Health Care for Women, Biopsy, Blood Pressure Control, Bone Health, Cancer Pain Management, Cholesterol Screening, Chronic Condition Care, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Diabetic Foot Care, Endocrine Testing, Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT), Fecal Occult Blood Test, General Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Gonorrhea Screening, Gynecologic Cancer Screening, Gynecologic Health, Head, Neck and Spine Care, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Hormone Testing, Immunization, Infant Care, Ingrown Toenail Treatment, Joint Drainage, Lab Tests, Laceration Repair, Lung Cancer Screening, Medications Management, Nebulizer Treatment, Musculoskeletal, Nutrition, Obesity Treatment, Osteoporosis Screening, Pain Management, Pain Management for Cancer, Palliative Care for Cancer, Pediatrics, Pelvic Examination, Pregnancy Test, Preventive Care, Primary Care, Rapid Flu Testing, Rapid Strep Testing, Sexually Transmitted Infections Screening, Skin Biopsy, Smoking Cessation Counseling, Sports Medicine, Sports Physical Examination, Steroid Injection, Suture/Staple Removal, Urinalysis, Well Adult Care, Well Baby Care, Well Woman Care and Cancer Screening, Women's Heart Program