Syed M. Shah, MD
263 7th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Syed Shah
Syed M. Shah, MD, FACS, is a board-certifiedgeneral surgeon with fellowship trainingin advanced laparoscopic and roboticsurgery, hepato-pancreato-biliary (HPB) andgastroesophageal surgery, colorectal surgery,and trauma surgical critical care. He is anattending surgeon and section chief ofhepato-pancreato-biliary surgery atNewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn MethodistHospital and an assistant professor of surgeryat Weill Cornell Medicine.Dr. Shah has expertise to offer surgical care forpatients with diseases of the liver, pancreas,bile duct, stomach, esophagus, small intestine,colon, spleen, adrenal glands, rectum, peritoneumand retroperitoneum. These include surgeriesfor cancers and tumors of these organs andother non-cancerous conditions. He alsoroutinely performs general surgery proceduressuch as hernia repairs, gallbladder surgeries,skin and soft tissue and surgeries for acutesurgical emergencies, and utilizes traditional,laparoscopic, and robotic approaches.Dr. Shah graduated from Aga Khan UniversityMedical College in Pakistan, pursued hisinternship at SUNY Health Science Center inSyracuse, New York, and completed his residencyat St. Vincent’s Hospital. He completed anHPB and foregut oncology fellowship at PennState Hershey Medical Center and an advancedlaparoscopy, bariatric, and robotic surgeryfellowship at the University of Nebraska MedicalCenter. He also served a trauma and surgicalcritical care fellowship at the University of MiamiHospital and Clinics and a minimally invasivecolorectal surgery fellowship at Osaka MedicalCollege in Takatsuki, Osaka, Japan.