Dr. Casey focuses on using Diversified technique as well as the Activator technique, which is a great option for patients who may be more sensitive. He stresses the importance of educating patients, to the best of their understanding, so that they might learn about chiropractic and how it can impact their life. Dr. Casey lives by the motto, “Movement is life.” He notes that teaching people about biomechanics, proper posture and movement patterns helps improve their quality of life. He emphasizes that staying active does not have to be complicated. “Find those areas that are not moving properly and put motion there. It’s as simple as that.” When it comes to nutrition, Dr. Casey has personally experienced the benefit of food prepping, which allows him to plan out his meals, nutritionally and in correct portions. He encourages the same for his patients and even says that you don’t have to be strict all the time. “Take a few days to learn the difference between what is a good bread to eat and a not so good bread to eat…or what the difference is between a good carbohydrate versus a bad carbohydrate is…It really can go a long way in your health.