Similar to concierge medicine, Philip J. Maple, MD provides his patients with fully personalized and attentive care. A board-certified internal medicine doctor, his MDVIP-affiliated practice is open to patients, including medicare and commercially insured, in Fredericksburg and the surrounding area. Contact his team today to learn about the benefits of a private doctor.
Primary Specialty
EducationRush Medical College, Rush Medical College
TrainingUniversity of Texas Medical School Affiliated Hospitals, University of Texas Medical School Affiliated Hospitals
CertificationDiplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine
ServicesPhilip Maple provides internal medicine in Fredericksburg, TX. Philip Maple is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.
To learn more, or to make an appointment with Dr. Philip J. Maple, MD in Fredericksburg, TX, please call (830) 998-8206.
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My wife and I have been patients of Dr. Phillip Maple for nearly 20 years - finest physician I have ever known - trust his medical advice with total confidence. His staff , Karen & Rose . are consummate professionals - knowledgeable and friendly. He and his staff represent the absolute finest of the medical profession - other physicians and staff should strive to emulate them..
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The most comprehensive annual physical I have ever had. Dr Maple is extremely knowledgeable and has an excellent manner of communicating the results and opinions for ongoing care and treatment.