Led by physicians, embryologists, nurses, lab technicians and other specialists trained in the treatment of fertility, Houston IVF first identifies the cause for infertility, and then develops a treatment plan based on those specific findings. As leaders in fertility research and care, Houston IVF partners with Premier IVF and their other partners in sharing ideas and protocols. At the heart of research is Fertility Laboratories of Colorado (FLC), located in Englewood, Colorado. The FLC research team is a group of international scientists well known for their work in several reproductive science areas. The FLC research department makes their research advances available to Houston IVF before they are published and shared with other fertility treatment centers. This is another benefit to the patient of Houston IVF.
ServicesBasic infertility services, In Vitro fertilization (IVF), third party reproduction, fertility preservation, fertility assessment, patients with cancer, PCOS patients, preimplantation genetics diagnosis, comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS), counseling and wellness, donor egg program, LGBT family building
Hickman always took time with us. He was avaiable for questions. Our Nurse follow up was not very proactive and lacked personal touch. At some point through the process, she should have followed up to check in. For such a personal process, it was very business like.