Dr. Vicki Ehrlich, Psy D is a psychologist in Larchmont, NY. She is a very experienced psychologist at 2039 Palmer Avenue Larchmont, New York 10538 . Dr Vicki Ehrlich has specialized postdoctoral training in individual, couples and marital counseling, and child and adolescent therapy. She is trained in EFT, Gottman therapy, relationship oriented therapy and evidenced based interventions including CBT and DBT. She also earned a degree and worked in career counseling prior to becoming a psychologist. Dr Ehrlich actively collaborates with patients to help them find relief from anxiety and depression and to find fulfillment in their relationships and careers. If you are in need of a psychologist in Larchmont, NY please call Dr. Vicki Ehrlich, Psy D at (914) 833-3875.
ServicesDr Vicki Ehrlich helps her clients find relief from stress, anxiety , including panic attacks, fears and phobias, social anxiety, separation anxiety, depression, mood disorders, eating disorders, weight management and stress relief. She helps patients navigate difficult relationships with partners, co-workers and family members and manage life transitions including college, career, new parenthood, separation and divorce.
Parents consult her about children with challenging temperaments, separation anxiety, social anxiety, sleep difficulties, picky eating and peer difficulties. She brings compassion and dedication to the work. Please contact her at drvickiehrlich@aol.com or 914-833-3875. She practices at 2039 Palmer Avenue Larchmont, NY 10538Additional ServicesClincial Psychologist, Couples Therapist, Parenting, and Adolescent Psychologist, College Students
She is extremely well trained and knowledgeable. She is responsive and caring. I am much more fulfilled in my life and in my work. My whole family as benefited from her expertise.
Dr Ehrlich is thoughtful and compassionate. When I started therapy with her my panic attacks and overall anxiety were impinging on the quality of my life.. with my family and at work. Now while I occasionally have some anxiety I am so much calmer, happier and in control. My relationships have improved as well.