What sets Hometown Manor from the others is our size, our style, our specialty. Hometown Manor accommodates a maximum of only 11 residents, insuring each ones receives more personalized attention than could ever be found in a larger assisted living community. After all, who wants to walk a city block to get to the dining room?But That’s Not All….At Hometown Manor, every amenity is included in the one low monthly rate. NO EXTRA CHARGE, no hidden costs. No $500 for some extra level of care. No $3 to do an extra load of laundry. One reasonable rate covers everything – period.Beehive Homes – the next best thing to home.
ServicesHometown Manor Assisted Living, LLC is listed as a retirement community in Shelbyville, KY.
Contact Hometown Manor Assisted Living, LLC to discuss your retirement living needs in the Shelbyville, KY area at or schedule an appointment to visit the facility located at 74 Mack Walters Rd, Shelbyville, KY 40065.