Is someone in your family experiencing memory loss? Does your care giving responsibility disrupt your social life? Does care giving to an elder disturb your sleep? Are your loved one's needs increasingly overwhelming?
You are not alone in experiencing the same dilemmas. A growing number of American families are going through the same difficulty of approaching members of the family with special needs. You can come out of it smoothly, with a stronger family relationship. United Care Group, Inc. was established with the sole purpose of having our seniors, adults, and children with special needs, to live independently, joyfully, and securely. Our programs span a lifetime, from prenatal to end-of-life care. Our compassionate and skilled staff provides rehabilitation therapies, long-term care, adult day services, adult home care, and care for families and children. We are the companion of every family in Minnesota. There is a graceful acceptance of life with our caregivers. Let us cultivate your relationship with your family by caring for them even while you're away.