The Hawthorne House of Salem is an upscale fashioned nursing home that is designed to strive to make the environment as homely as possible for all seniors. The location is in the gorgeous Willamette Valley along I-5 at 3042 Hyacinth St. NE, Salem, Oregon. The nursing home offers unique and specific buildings that are designed to be utilized with "Home & Hearth" in mind. The common areas are beautifully decorated to harmonize with nature and are easily navigable. The kitchen area is a very important component of the seniors' and caregivers' daily routines. The kitchen area is very interactive for everyone in the home as its features and operations enables residents to watch & be a part of the cooking process as it maintains integrity and enhances appetites while permitting everyone to have a sense of independence and purpose in constantly striving to improve the quality of their lives. The Hawthorne house of Salem has 15 beds of which each resident receives individual attention on a 24 hours a day and 7 days a week basis from certifiably licensed caregivers. The home also features 7 separate private rooms and 4 separate semi-private rooms with eight beds. Each of the bedrooms are connected to common areas by short hallways which allows easy navigation and mobility. The close knit design and community provides a household experience of being around family for all of the residents.
ServicesHawthorne House of Salem is listed as a retirement community in Salem, OR.
Contact Hawthorne House of Salem to discuss your retirement living needs in the Salem, OR area at or schedule an appointment to visit the facility located at 3042 Hyacinth St NE, Salem, OR 97301.Additional ServicesRespite Available, Meals Provided, Aging in Place, Nurses on Staff, Beauty & Barber Services, Wheelchair Accessible Showers, Hospice Available