Abundant Life Elderly Care

Abundant Life Elderly Care
Abundant Life Elderly Care 1906 172nd Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98008

Abundant Life Elderly Care

Abundant Life Elderly Care is a perfect alternative for seniors who can no longer live on their own, but want to maintain their independence in a warm, friendly home-like atmosphere with 24-hour tender loving care.

We are committed to maintaining the dignity and independence of our residents by offering comprehensive services tailored to their individual needs, preferences and interests; allowing peace of mind for their families knowing that all their important needs and comforts are being met.


“Thank you for taking such great care of grandpa. You became his family and treated as your own. I know he received the best of care and sincere love over the last few years.”  Bonnie C.

“Thank you for such a wonderful Christmas party. The music and food were just great and we could tell dad was having a great time. Our family appreciates all the care and kindness you show on dad. Thanks again!” Megan W.

“Some people are caregivers by trade, but you are caregivers by heart. Thank you for loving Darrel and caring for him with such devotion.” Karen C.

“Thank you does not convey my gratitude to you for all you have done for dad. Your kindness and consideration was exemplary.” Trudy

Primary Specialty

Retirement Communities

Services Abundant Life Elderly Care is listed as a retirement community in Bellevue, WA.

Contact Abundant Life Elderly Care to discuss your retirement living needs in the Bellevue, WA area at or schedule an appointment to visit the facility located at 1906 172nd Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98008.
Additional Services Respite Available, Nurse on Call, Minimum Age of Accepted Residents, Activities Onsite, Devotional Services Available, Indoor Common Areas, Meals Provided, Nurses on Staff, Podiatrist Available, Physical Therapy Available, Occupational Therapy Available, Speech Therapy Available, Complimentary Transportation, Activities Offsite, Outdoor Common Areas, Beauty & Barber Services, No Smoking Allowed in Private Areas Indoors, No Smoking Allowed in Public Areas Indoors, Wheelchair Accessible Showers, Hospice Available, Resident Parking Available, Male Residents Accepted, Female Residents Only, Doctor on Call, Dentist Available, Pets Allowed