Caring Heart Home of Clovis is an assisted living facility located in Clovis, California. We are among the top adult care homes in the country because we provide superior medical and recreational needs to all of our residents. We have a very large bed capacity in our facility, which is wonderful when it comes to allowing seniors to socialize with a variety of other residents who are living in the home with them. We completely understand how difficult it is for you to make the decision for your elderly parent to live in an assisted living home, but we help to make the process a lot easier because we are simply a home away from their home. When you make the decision to have a loved one stay at Caring Heart Home of Clovis, you can feel good knowing that they will receive delicious and healthy meals throughout the day. Your loved one will also be provided with transportation so that they can go shopping or simply go to a local hot spot to enjoy themselves with other seniors in the group. Our visiting hours are convenient for just about anyone who is a busy working adult who also has a loved one in an assisted living home. When you choose us to be your loved one's new home, you can feel confident in knowing that they are going to get the best care possible all the time. Caring Heart Home of Clovis prides ourselves in being the best adult home in the area.
ServicesCaring Heart Home of Clovis is listed as a retirement community in Clovis, CA.
Contact Caring Heart Home of Clovis to discuss your retirement living needs in the Clovis, CA area at or schedule an appointment to visit the facility located at 2766 Keats Ave, Clovis, CA 93611.Additional ServicesNurses on Staff, Complimentary Transportation, No Smoking Allowed in Private Areas Indoors, No Smoking Allowed in Public Areas Indoors, Hospice Available, Pets Allowed