Morris Hall Grace Gardens Memory Care

Morris Hall Grace Gardens Memory Care
Morris Hall Grace Gardens Memory Care 1 Bishops' Drive Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Morris Hall Grace Gardens Memory Care

Grace Garden at St. Mary’s Assisted Living helps residents with moderate to moderate-severe dementia maintain their sense of independence, dignity and self-worth, in an assisted living setting.
This offers residents an interesting, joyous life that helps them feel good about themselves. Our failure-free approach empowers them to do all they can do, without negative feelings related to their cognitive limitations. Grace Garden residents thrive in a setting where they can still learn, grow, and have a social life, but with added support.
Engaging activities, programmed by a dedicated activities coordinator, are a central part of life at Grace Garden. Residents enjoy trips to shows, museums, animal shelters, and many other destinations. Programs are offered that feature visiting veterans groups, gardening and other topics.

Primary Specialty

Alzheimer's Care

Services The staff at Grace Garden receive an advanced level of training, in affiliation with the Hearthstone Institute, that sharpens their skills for supporting residents with Alzheimer’s and related dementia.
Resident safety and security are paramount at Grace Garden. The unit has its own 24-hour supervision, with a higher ratio of staff-to-residents than regular assisted living. Grace Garden access is secured, and Wanderguard bracelets are provided for residents who need one.
Grace Garden staff meet with the families of residents at least twice yearly to share information that can help make the resident as comfortable and safe as possible. We welcome your inquiries about Grace Garden and encourage you to contact us to schedule a visit to our comfortable and safe memory care environment.
Additional Services Assisted Living
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