Generosa Dingal provides you with the most amazing massage in Pompano Beach, Florida (FL). Generosa Dingal is a licensed massage therapist who specializes in pain management, sports massage, and pregnancy massage. As a massage therapist who has devoted her life to offering healing massage to her clients, Generosa Dingal will help your body feel better and heal.
If you suffer from neck pain, back pain, or headaches then massage might very well help you minimize or eliminate that discomfort and pain. Call Generosa Dingal for a massage in Pompano Beach, FL that will leave you feeling the best you’ve felt in a long time. Call 561-674-5215.
ServicesGenerosa Dingal offers many massage services, such as sports massage, pregnancy massage, hot stone massage, deep tissue massage, acupuncture and more. If she can’t help your body heal and feel better no one can. Generosa can help with back pain, neck pain, and headaches.
If you or someone you know deserves a massage in Pompano Beach, FL contact Generosa Dingal now to schedule your first massage with her. You’ll be glad you did. Call 561-674-5215.Additional ServicesMassage, Pain Management, Acupuncture
Gen is wonderful. She took the time to ask me where my super sore spots were and made sure to work the kinks out completely before we were finished. I walked out of her place feeling like a brand new person
I began going to Gen Spa when I had a sharp pain in my neck. After going for a 60 minute massage, my pain was completely gone. It was very relaxing and an all around great experience. She absolutely loves what she does and wants to help others feel better. I would definitely come back again.