Are you searching for an ENT in the Johns Creek, Suwanee, or Alpharetta, Ga. area? If so, then we want to welcome you to Northeast Atlanta ENT in Johns Creek. Dr. Karlin, along with his friendly team of professionals are here to take care of the ear, nose, and throat needs of you and your family.
At Northeast Atlanta ENT, we are aware that ear, nose, and throat issues can have a severe impact on your quality of life. This is why we dedicate each and every day to ensuring that our patients get the care they need; better yet, the care they deserve.
When you visit us, you’ll find that you are much more than a case number or patient file. We take a personal interest in each and every one of our patients while getting to know what issues they are suffering with, and how we can help.
ServicesAllergy testing and treatment Audiological services (balance testing, hearing aids, and more) Pediatric ENT services for infants, toddlers, and children of all ages Chronic nasal congestion and blockage treatment Sinusitis treatment (including Balloon Sinuplasty) Ear infection diagnosis & treatment (including treatment for tinnitus, or ringing in the ears) Treatment for chronic snoring and sleep apnea Dizziness and Vertigo symptoms Voice disorders, tonsillitis, and much more.