Frederique Beaufils, Certified Health & Wellness Coach
As a NeurOptimal® Trainer, I provide neurofeedback, aka EEG biofeeback, to children and adults. Neurofeedback brain training is FDA-approved for stress reduction and is increasingly used as a powerful nondrug therapeutic intervention for emotional, mental, and cognitive challenges including: Anxiety Attention Deficit (ADD / ADHD) Depression Trauma / PTSD Sleep issues Brain aging / Memory loss As a health and wellness coach, I have a deep understanding of what it takes to harmonize body, mind, and soul. I love partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process based on their individual needs and desires so that they can make sustainable, long lasting improvements to their health, feel in charge of their self-change, and find their own answers to a healthier, more mindful way of living.
ServicesCoaching clients on their path to wellness and sharing the benefits of neurofeedback is my craft and my passion.
// ServicesEmotional Health Mental Health Wellness Biofeedback Neurofeedback Holistic Care Coaching Work/Life Balance