Heather Gratt, Women's Success and Neuroscience Coach
Like life itself, Heather's journey has been a process of evolution. She began her professional life in business, in an entry level position, quickly advancing to senior management within a year of employment. She spent most of her early career managing multiple practices and million dollar budgets. She had a natural way of managing people; focusing on utilizing individual talents and strengths to the advantage of the company. She felt driven and passionate about her career, but, on a deeper level she was unfulfilled. In 2007, her first son was born and her priorities shifted, but she was committed to being both a mother and having a successful career. However, life had other plans and Heather's career path was stopped abruptly. A traumatic event drastically changed her course and forced her to look within herself for guidance and realization. This is when she discovered the power of the neuroscience and life coaching. With a rejuvenated spirit, she decided to follow a new path and studied the art of life coaching and Psychology with a particular focus in Neuropsychology. With a daily struggle to overcome post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depression, her focus on finding a way out ignited the search for answers about how the brain functions, learns and processes behind the scene every moment of our lives. What began as a strategy to overcome her personal struggles, turned into a calling to facilitate transformation and support through success coaching for women.
ServicesOne-to-one success coaching for women Exclusive Retreat Intensives for women MyMuse Monthly online coaching program Certification through the NeuroElite Women's Coaching Academy as a Certified NeuroElite Coach or Certifed NeuroElite Trainer. Corporate and Executive Consulting Motivational SpeakingAdditional ServicesWomen's Success Coach, Women's Brain-based coach, Women's Coaching Certification, PTSD Expert,