California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles
APA Accredited Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology
Individual, Family and Child Proficiency
Master of Arts, 1994; Doctor of Philosophy, 1997
MD License, June 1999 (License #3531)
DC License, November 1999 (License #1940)
Center for Obesity Surgery, Washington, DC. Perform psychological evaluations of patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Co-facilitate weekly aftercare support groups for patients and provide individual counseling as needed. (May 1998 - present).
The Kingsbury Center, Washington, DC. Perform psychoeducational and neuropsychological evaluations of children with learning disabilities, ADHD, and other behavioral and psychiatric disorders. Provide individual and family therapy to children enrolled in the Kingsbury Day School program and their families. Provide consultation to the classroom as needed. (June 1998 - October 1999)
National Children's Center, Washington, DC. Performed developmental evaluations and develop behavioral programs for children (birth to 5 years) enrolled in an early intervention program. Provided individual play therapy, family therapy, and parent guidance. (August 1997 - June 1998)
Psychology Internship, Georgetown University Child Development Center, APA Accredited Internship Program. Performed psychological and neuropsychological evaluation of children, adolescents and young adults. Provided consultation, individual and family therapy, and parent guidance to children and families with emotional and developmental disabilities. (September 1996 August 1997)
Psychology Externship, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC. Performed neuropsychological evaluations and provided individual therapy and parent guidance to children with HIV and their families. (July 1995 June 1996)
Psychology Externship, San Fernando Valley Community Mental Health Center Day Treatment, Van Nuys, California. Provided individual, family, and group therapy, skills training, and psychological evaluations of individuals with chronic mental illness. (August 1994 June 1995)
American Psychological Association, Member
American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, Member
District of Columbia Psychological Association, Member
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