25 years of clinical experience. Full service chiropractic,acupuncture and physical therapy facility. Massage therapy, full body structural assessment, sports rehabilitation, spinal decompression for disc pain. Stress management, smoking cessation, addiction/alcohol recovery.
Dr, Quan is a Great Doctor on both a professional and personal level. He helped me with a very debilitating neck and shoulder problem that had me in severe pain and only able to do the things I enjoy, or to work at a very limited level of ability. He was confident at the start that he would help me get back to the physical ability I was used to in my active lifestyle and job. His confidence, boosted my confidence, and he was right! I am now back to doing those things I enjoy, and back to a full ability level at my job. Dr. Quan has a soothing, easy manner that makes you feel comfortable right from the start. He is in a word, an awsome Doctor, and I consider him a friend as well. I have recomended him to several of my friends who have also benefited from expertise in healing.