Quantum Healing Chiropractic was created with the intent of empowering our practice members to become responsible for their health. This is accomplished through the treatment of injury and disease, education on how the body, mind, memory, and spirit function for your health, and the philosophy that optimum health is both the personal responsibility and the right of each of us. We believe that human bodies are wondrous, multi-faceted, multi-dimensional creations that were designed to heal themselves. We believe that we, as health care providers, should work with all of the parts as a whole, and help to create balance in the body so that healing can happen as it should. The innate healing powers that each of our bodies possess are far greater than that of any pharmaceutical company’s drug or doctor’s skill. They are far greater than anything that we can invent through scientific knowledge or technological ability. We possess healing powers that are nothing less than miraculous.
Years In Practice31
Primary Specialty
EducationPalmer College of Chiropractic
TrainingBoston University Swedish Institute School of Massage Morter Health System
ServicesMaster of Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique- works on the cause of disease Activator Methods Technique-gentle, specific, non-forceful Chakra balancing- your body's energy imprint Emotion Code-releases trapped emotions Emotional Freedom Technique- self healing technique tolet go of fears, phobias and worries