Jeremy Lambert D.C. practice is conveniently located at 908 Avenue F in Marble Falls, two blocks north of the intersection of hwys1431 and 281.
Doctor Lambert has had great results with the following conditions; automobile accidents, headaches/migraines, sports injuries, lowback pain, neck/shoulder and hand pain, and many more.
Dr. Lambert is a native of Canada and has been practicing chiropractic for the last 15 years. He moved to Texas 6 years ago and was drawn to the scenic hill county to start a practice.
ServicesEach visit to Marble Falls Family Chiropractic patients will recieve a combination of therapies as well as a spinal adjustment. Therapies offered are hot and cold therapy, electro-therapy, ultrasound, trigger point message, therapeutic exercises and stretching . Dr. Lambert also utilizes Cold Laser Therapy in his practice. This technology is somewhat new to the U.S. and has had many amazing results for acute and chronic issues.