Welch Wellness, LLC
Rocky Mountain School of Massage
Utah College of Massage Therapy
American Cancer Society Park County Advisory Board (4 years to date)WPH Healing Intervention Team (4 years, 2 years as chair)
Montana Cancer Control Coalition, Key Stakeholder Group (2 years) Center for Cancer Support, volunteer/educator (5 years) For One Another Cancer Family Support Network Montana, educator (2 years)Bozeman Deaconess Cancer Center Tumor Board member (8 years)Established BDH Foundation patient care fund Co-sponsor National Cancer Survivors Day Bozeman, Montana and Cody, Wyoming Board member of Special Touch Preschool (now Childrens Resource Center (2 years, 1 as treasurer)
American Massage Therapy Association
Charter member Society for Oncology Massage
Cody Country Chamber of Commerce
Wyoming chapter, AMTA
Sponsor, National Cancer Survivors Day Celebration
Adult Protective Services and Sensitivity Training, Myofascial Mobilization, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Infant massage/ Infant Massage Instructor, Deep Tissue, Massage for People Living with Cancer, Lymphatic Drainage, Comfort Touch (for the elderly and ill), Healing Touch (energy work), Thoracic Outlet Syndrom, Carpal Tunnel Syndrom, Common Lower Extremity Conditions, Improving Alzheimer's Patient's Quality of Life, Tumor Board, Geriatric Health Promotion Series,
Office Staff
Jill Welch, CMT-Onc has been in practice since 1990. Internship in oncology was performed at Oregon Health Science University, and employment has included many rehab and hospital settings including OB/GYN ward and Brain Injury Unit. She established a very successful massage program at West Park Hospital in Cody, Wy, where she conducted research on the effects of bodywork on blood pressure and medication.
Brooke Glauner, CMT has been in practice since 2001. LaStone Massage Certified.