I could tell that they took pride in their office's appearance. It was very well organized and well taken care of. I felt better than I have in years when I left. I couldn't believe the difference they were able to make. All of my questions were answered during my appointment, which really put my mind at ease. They were very qualified and knowledgeable. I could tell that they've been doing their job well for quite a while.
Every appointment they try to sell me products, massage therapy, or vitamins. The receptionist was very fake nice and Dr. Marsden would not stop talking long enough for me to get a full question out. If I was able to ask a question she was very stuck in her ways and only her way seemed to be the right way. She even talk down on MD doctors. The massage therapist seemed nice, but she was talking about other patients while I was waiting for the doctor. I can not confidently recommend this place to anybody.