Welcome to the Jones Family Chiropractic Center, servicing the health and wellness of residents throughout the Seattle area communities. Our office is conveniently located in Redmond, WA with easy access to the freeway and major streets. Chiropractic Adjustments keep these vertebra moving so that we are pain free, decrease muscle tightness, healthy disc, free of headaches and keep our entire spine mobile so we can live at our bodies best. Have your spine checked out to see where or if you have any of these restrictions!
-We accept all car accident cases and on-site work injuries. -Premera Microsoft employees can receive referrals for ergonomic chairs and stand sit tables. -We currently have a new patient special of $99 (includes adjustment and x-ray's) -Non-insurance price per adjustment is $45. -All insurance is accepted at our office with a few restrictions involving: Group Health, Regence, and Molina.
We offer free no obligation checking of insurance coverage for chiropractic. Call us today!
ServicesThe first visit takes approximately 45 min to an hour. After paperwork Dr. Brian goes over your history, symptoms, and past injuries. He will perform orthopedic/neurological and range of motion testing before taking x-rays. If you're interested in receiving massage treatment we can complete a referral to a massage therapist of your choice or our in house massage doctor who comes highly recommended.
We sell bio freeze, lumbar support, premium water base pillows and cor-fit belts.Additional ServicesIn house massage therapy/acupuncture/esthetician